
Little Ideas

작가 소개

"Dve lets women be. Our handmade clothes bring nature and age-old Indian ar:s:c tradi:on together to celebrate women and their original, uninhibited styles. Prepared from natural fibers, Dve clothes are authen:c and made with finesse. We like to pause and no:ce the liCle details. We make clothes for women to feel fashionably prac:cal and comfortable every day.For Dve, style is the sum of simplicity and intricacy. Our paCerns breathe easily and we give every element our undivided aCen:on. Whether its design and colours, s:tches and buCons, or lines and textures, all are equally important to us. In subtle shades, our rural Indian ar:sans turn art into craG with me:culous weaving perfected through genera:ons.
When we design, we envision a reality where beau:ful clothes fit all women. A hundred different things inspire us in our waking hours. From minimalist films and scien:fic discoveries to sea shells and monochroma:c objects, the mo:va:ons are limitless. Our crea:ve urban designers and rural makers love what they do and innovate together at every stage with humility and faith. The thought of joy in the eyes of every woman wearing Dve brings out the best in us.
Through collabora:on, Dve carries the relevance of tex:le handiwork, a form of art that nurtures innova:on and individual uniqueness. The makers earn a sustainable income and help preserve an invaluable ar:s:c giG of the Indian cultural heritage.
Dve makes it easy for women to make an inspired choice in clothing to feel comfortable in their own skin and appreciate the goodness of tradi:on with natural fabric."

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